For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
The women meet on Monday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30 in the Chapel. Our women's ministry invites women of all ages and generations, marital or parental status, to join together in service to our most loving God! Our purpose - to bring women together, to enrich and encourage one another, to grow in our relationships with Christ and help each other to lead intentional and prayerful lives in service to our families, our church and our community.
Fall 2024
I Surrender All
By Priscilla Shirer
By Priscilla Shirer
All To Him I Freely Give
From Priscilla Shirer comes this fervent appeal and invitation to surrender everything to Jesus. To follow Him not just as your Savior but as your priority, your first love, your Lord. To move beyond being a believer to becoming His disciple. Because there is a difference.
Salvation is a gift of God. It’s free. It’s grace. It’s the cross. Discipleship comes at a high cost. It’s surrender. It’s effort. It’s a daily choice to lay down your life and follow His. Few believers choose this route, but the ones who do will experience the abundance that only the surrendered life can offer. It’s the one choice standing between you and the life of freedom and fulfillment, of peace and purpose you’ve always wanted. I Surrender All is all about making that choice. The choice that changes everything.
This book will be impossible to simply read because it beckons you to make a decision about the kind of Christian you will be. Prepare to engage, to write, to pray, and be called into a surrendered life. An abundant life. A disciple’s life.
The book can be purchased on Amazon or Lifeway
Once you receive your book, please read the introduction (First) and chapters 1 and 2 to prepare for our first session on September 30!
From Priscilla Shirer comes this fervent appeal and invitation to surrender everything to Jesus. To follow Him not just as your Savior but as your priority, your first love, your Lord. To move beyond being a believer to becoming His disciple. Because there is a difference.
Salvation is a gift of God. It’s free. It’s grace. It’s the cross. Discipleship comes at a high cost. It’s surrender. It’s effort. It’s a daily choice to lay down your life and follow His. Few believers choose this route, but the ones who do will experience the abundance that only the surrendered life can offer. It’s the one choice standing between you and the life of freedom and fulfillment, of peace and purpose you’ve always wanted. I Surrender All is all about making that choice. The choice that changes everything.
This book will be impossible to simply read because it beckons you to make a decision about the kind of Christian you will be. Prepare to engage, to write, to pray, and be called into a surrendered life. An abundant life. A disciple’s life.
The book can be purchased on Amazon or Lifeway
Once you receive your book, please read the introduction (First) and chapters 1 and 2 to prepare for our first session on September 30!

This is a 4 week study beginning on
Monday, September 30
6:00 - 7:30 PM
Monday, September 30
6:00 - 7:30 PM